Efficient, Affordable Filtration System Saves Lives

Beth Schademann, ECS’s Publications Specialist, recently came across a Huffington Post article detailing some life-saving innovations in water purification.

A simple bag called the Fieldtrate Lite has made its way to isolated communities that lack clean water in an effort to save lives through improved sanitation.

The water filtering bag is a development of Singapore’s WateROAM, who specialize in portable water filtration systems. The Fieldtrate Lite filters dirty water though membranes, turning it into potable water in a very short period of time. The bag is specifically appealing for disaster relief operations and rural communities without access to clean water.

“Our vision is to build a world where no man shall face prolonged thirst,” said David Pong, WateROAM’s chief executive.

At just $35, the filtration is both cost efficient and easily operational due to its lack of need for electricity.

The company also produces a more elaborate filtration system called the Fieldtrate Plus, which is substantially larger and sells for $1,500. It was designed to cater to communities with a few hundred people, producing 500 liters of clean water per day.

This from Huffington Post:

To date, WateROAM’s filtration systems have provided drinkable water for nearly 1,000 people in three countries, including an orphanage in Bintan, Indonesia, a village in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and victims of last December’s floods in Kelantan, Malaysia.

Read the full article here.

The company is currently working on a new project called Fieldtrate X, which will be able to clear arsenic from contaminated water.

ECS has recently awarded more that $200,000 of seed funding to innovative research projects addressing critical technology gaps in water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges being faced around the world.

Get the recap on our first “Science for Solving Society’s Problems Challenge” and stay-tuned for upcoming videos and updates on the winning projects!


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