Keeping Up With ECS

If you are an ECS member—or considering joining— you may be curious about The Electrochemical Society’s activities. ECS makes a full report to its members once a year at the Annual Society Business Meeting and Luncheon (ASBM). Here, at the spring meeting, ECS reviews the successes and challenges of the past year and outlines plans for the upcoming year. Members are called on to vote on important business. New officers are introduced and the Society’s financial position presented. ASBM is an opportunity for attendees to ask questions, meet the Society’s leadership, and hear a leading authority deliver an important address. However, not everyone can attend the ASBM. To satisfy your curiosity, you can watch the video of the proceedings and learn how active participation in ECS benefits its members greatly – and being informed is an important part of that.

Getting involved with ECS and attending important meetings provides access to an elite community which furthers research and helps careers. From the very beginning, ECS’s membership included an impressive core of active participants. Among these was Thomas Edison, Edward Acheson (the original manufacturer of graphite), and Herbert Dow (founder of the Dow Chemical Company). Today, ECS members continue to have a profound impact on the world.  Being an active member of this community—taking on leadership roles, hosting sessions at meetings, and more—brings tremendous value.

While the 236th ECS Meeting does not have a business meeting, opportunities abound to meet and mingle with ECS’s extraordinary members. Be sure to attend plenary session where all the members have an opportunity to mingle. And watch the video of the last business meeting to prepare for participating in ECS!



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