ORCID iDs Benefit Authors

Are you a young researcher just getting started? Do you work in an area where frequent job moves are required? Do you simply have a name more common than others, leading to confusion about authorship and difficulty in following your research efforts?

You need an ORCID iD.

ORCID iDs are unique 16-digit identifiers, similar to DOIs, but instead of identifying an individual paper, they identify an individual author across all of their published papers. Readers who wish to follow your work can search for you by your ORCID iD and get access to all of your work, not just that in any one journal.

Confused about ORCID iDs?

View the short video below of researchers explaining how an ORCID iD helps them stand out from the crowd. This video is not only available with English subtitles; choose your desired language from the closed captions option on the player below:

Visit the ORCID site for detailed information on how you can distinguish yourself. The site is available in multiple languages; choose your desired language from the pull-down menu in the upper right-hand corner. Or download an ORCID flier, also available in multiple languages.

Need more information? Contact ECS, we’re here to help.


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