Congratulations to the 2023 Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering Division student award winners – Barirav Sabarish Vishnugopi and Lauren Clarke. Keep reading to learn more about the winners! (more…)

IEEE DivisionVoting is open through April 29 for the ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division officers. We urge all ECS IE&EE Division members to take part in this important election! ECS division officers serve as volunteers.

This election, there are three candidates for the position of Secretary/Treasurer. Read the candidates’ biographical sketches and statements below. Instructions on how to vote follow the candidates’ bios and statements. The link to the electronic proxy is included. (more…)

The ECS Industrial Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Engineering (IE&EE) Division recognizes and rewards promising young engineers and scientists in the fields of electrochemical engineering and applied electrochemistry with two special awards. Congratulations to Akshay Subramaniam who received the IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award, and Eric McShane, winner of the IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award.

The IE&EE Division Student Achievement Award was established in 1989. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award was established in 1990 with a gift from the Dow Chemical Company Foundation to encourage recipients to continue careers in electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. Both awards require that nominees describe a research project that they will pursue during the award year, and how that project relates to the field of electrochemical engineering or applied electrochemistry. The recipients of the awards each receive a framed certificate and US $1,000 prize. The IE&EE Division H. H. Dow Memorial Student Achievement Award restricts use of the award to expenses associated with the recipient’s education or research project, i.e., tuition, books, equipment, or supplies. (more…)