Spiraling Global Temperatures Explain Climate Change

An infographic that can visually tell the story of climate changes has been making its rounds on the internet.

Brainchild of climate scientists Ed Hawkins and Jan Fuglestvedt, the animation shows how global temperatures have spiraled upwards and outwards since 1850.

The magic number here is 2°C. Once the global temperature hits 2°C above the average temperature between 1850 and 1900, many scientists believe that at least some aspects of climate change will be irreversible.

While that may seem grim, we know that a clean energy economy is feasible – both economically and technologically. Countries like Germany are demonstrating the possibilities of renewable energy first-hand. We also know that the scientists of ECS are currently working on even more exiting research to improve our understanding and technological capabilities in photovoltaics, nanotechnology, fuel cells, and other cutting-edge fields.

Additionally, ECS’s Free the Science initiative can open access to knowledge that has serious implications for action on climate change. By breaking down barriers for both authors and readers, vital pieces of the puzzle could be more easily disseminate to anyone in the world, potentially speeding up the scientific discovery process.

While the current streak of record high temperatures may be enjoyable for the moment, it’s clear that action must be taken to control climate change before the damage is too immense.


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