What’s Graphene?

Kostya Novoselov

Published over 60 peer-refereed research papers (mainly as the principal/corresponding author) including Nature and Science articles and more than 15 papers in Nature Materials, Nature Physics, Nature Nanotechnology, Reviews of Modern Physics, Physical Review Letters, PNAS.

We’ve been having lots of talks around the home office about how people don’t realize the impact of electrochemistry and solid state science have on their world.

Being new here, I’m still playing catch up with the science. I ask a lot of questions. My colleagues patiently try to do what Miss Lemke could never accomplish in 11th grade chemistry.

Here’s one result that can benefit me and the rest of our less aware readers of this blog. I got this video link explaining graphene from John Lewis, our Associate Director of Publications. The video is from The One Show, BBC1 last year.

John adds:

Fun fact: One of the guys who discovered graphene, Konstantin Novoselov, gave the plenary talk at ECS’s first “Graphene and Emerging Materials for Post-CMOS Applications” symposium in 2009. He wrote a Transactions paper from this talk, it is available for free in the ECS Digital Library. He ended up winning the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 because of his work on graphene.

Foldable phones and tablets? More on what graphene is being used for.

This from CNN this spring: ‘Miracle material’ graphene one step closer to commercial use.

John popped over to my desk to let me know that Dr. Novoselov’s co-winner, Andre Geim, has the distinction of being the first person ever to win a Nobel Prize and an Ig Noble Prize for diamagnetic levitation of frogs. And yes there is video.


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