Gordon E. Moore Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Science & Technology

Gordon E. Moore MedalThis award was established in 1971 as the Solid State Science and Technology Award for distinguished contributions to the field of solid state science and technology. In 2005, the award was renamed in honor of Gordon E. Moore.

Nomination Deadline: April 15, even years
Presented: Spring meeting, odd years

Eligibility criteria

The recipient will have made outstanding contributions to the fundamental understanding and technological applications of solid state materials, phenomena, and processes.

The recipient does not need to be a member of The Electrochemical Society.

Nomination guidelines

Nominations shall be considered in effect for two consecutive award cycles.

A complete nomination package includes:

  • Completed electronic nomination form
  • At least two, but not more than five letters of support (one page in length)
  • Optional materials:

– Candidate’s curriculum vitae
– Publications list
– Other pertinent information that supports and strengthens the candidate’s nomination


The award consists of a silver medal and a plaque that contains a replica thereof, both bearing the name of the recipient, the sum of US $7,500, complimentary meeting registration for award recipient and companion, a dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting, and Life Membership in The Society. The recipient will receive the award in person at the designated Society meeting and deliver a general address on a subject related to the contributions for which the award is being presented.

About Gordon E. Moore

Gordon E. Moore  (1929-2023) was the co-founder and chairman of the Intel Corporation. He established what is now known as Moore’s law: the observation that the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented, published in Electronics Magazine in 1965. While originally intended as a rule of thumb in 1965, Moore’s law has become the guiding principle for the industry to deliver ever more powerful semiconductor chips at proportionate decreases in cost.

In an interview that ECS conducted with Moore, he said his vision that the number of transistors per chip would double every two years was articulated in public for the very first time at an ECS San Francisco Section meeting in 1964. Read more. Moore joined the Society in 1957 and was named ECS Honorary Member in 2007.


Fred Roozeboom
Hiroshi Iwai
David Lockwood
Paul Kohl
Yue Kuo
Fan Ren
Stephen Pearton
C. Grant Willson

Tak H. Ning
Dennis Hess
Richard B. Fair
Arnold Reisman
Isamu Akasaki
Karl E. Spear
Wayne L. Worrell
Bruce E. Deal
James D. Plummer

James F. Gibbons
Alfred Y. Cho
Jerry M. Woodall
Nick Holonyak, Jr.
Gerald L. Pearson
Morton B. Panish
Robert N. Hall
Harry C. Gatos
William G. Pfann