Nomination deadline: April 15, even years
Presented: Spring meeting, odd years
The Allen J. Bard Award in Electrochemical Science was established in 2013 to recognize distinguished contributions to electrochemical science. The award is named in honor of Allen J. Bard, in recognition of outstanding advancements in electrochemical science.
Eligibility criteria
The recipient:
- Distinguished for paradigm shifting contributions in the fields of electrochemical science
- Recognized for exceptionally creative experimental or theoretical studies that opened new directions in electroanalytical chemistry or electrocatalysis.
- ECS membership in is not required.
Nomination guidelines
A complete nomination package includes:
- Completed electronic Award Nomination Form;
- At least two, but not more than five letters of support (one page in length);
- Optional materials:
- Curriculum vitae;
- Publications list;
- Other pertinent information that supports and strengthens the candidate’s nomination.
Nominations are considered for two consecutive award cycles.
The award consists of:
- Plaque containing a glassy carbon medallion;
- USD $7,500;
- Complimentary meeting registration for award recipient and companion;
- Dinner held in recipient’s honor during the designated meeting;
- ECS Life Membership.
The recipient receives the award in person at the designated ECS Meeting.
Recipient obligations
At the designated ECS Meeting, the recipient delivers a general address to the Society on a subject related to the contributions for which the award is presented.
About Allen Bard
Allen J. Bard (1933-2024) was the Norman Hackerman-Welch Regents Chair in Chemistry and Director of the Center for Electrochemistry at The University of Texas at Austin. A well-published expert in electrochemistry, Prof. Bard was responsible for over 1,000 peer-reviewed research papers, 75 publications, and three books: Chemical Equilibrium, Electrochemical Methods – Fundamentals and Applications, and Integrated Chemical Systems: A Chemical Approach to Nanotechnology. Prof. Bard is best known for developing the scanning electrochemical microscope, co-discovering electrochemiluminescence, and his contributions to photoelectrochemistry and semiconductor electrodes.
Contact with questions or for more information.
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Joseph Hupp (2023)
Marc Koper (2021)
Héctor Abruña (2019)
Doron Aurbach (2017)
Henry White (2015)