Electrodeposition for Energy Applications

Short Course at ECS meetings

Electrodeposition is widely being used in the fabrication of materials and devices, and most recently this technique has been successfully applied to the fabrication of various components in energy conversion systems. This course will offer the opportunity to students, researchers and practitioners with a variety of technical backgrounds to be introduced for the first time or to refresh their understanding of the fundamentals of the technique, as well as to gain a perspective of its potentials in nanostructure fabrication, with particular focus on energy conversion and storage application. In this course the attendees will gain practical knowledge of the methods and techniques used in the synthesis of catalysts for fuel cells, components for batteries and capacitors, and radiation absorbers for photovoltaic and photelectrochemical devices.

Topics to be covered

The course will be structured in two modules:

  • Fundamentals of electrodeposition
    • Thermodynamics and kinetics
    • Engineering films and Uniformity – Mass transfer and current distribution
    • Thin film formation: the art and science of controlling microstructure and morphology
  • Electrodeposition for energy materials
    • Pulse Current Deposition – metals and alloys
    • Surface control electrochemical film formation down to the single atomic layer: Surface Limited Replacement Reaction and Electrochemical Atomic Layer Epitaxy
    • Electrodeposition of electrocatalyst materials
About the instructors

Sudipta Roy and Stanko Brankovic have already offered this course at ECS meetings and continue to update the application module in response to new discoveries, needs, and opportunities in the field.

Sudipta Roy is currently The Chair Professor of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Strathclyde Glasgow. Prior to this, she held a Professorship of Electrochemical Nanomaterials at the University of Newcastle, UK. Her first degree is from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, and her MS and PhD were received from Tulane University, Louisiana.   She held a Royal Academy of Engineering Secondment at JDS Uniphase (2001-2002) and has spun out two separate companies, CDS (2003-2010) and RoyEnface (2010-2016). Her work has focused on metal and alloy deposition, microstructuring, pulse deposition, and electrochemical engineering for sustainability, metal recovery and recycling, micro and opto electronics, and medical technologies. She has published nearly 100 journal articles, co-authored a book on pulse electrodeposition, and delivered Professional Development lectures to companies worldwide.

Stanko Brankovic obtained a BE in chemical and biochemical engineering in 1994 from the University of Belgrade and a PhD in science and engineering of materials in 1999 from Arizona State University (Phoenix). Before joining the Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Houston in 2005, he spent two years as a postdoc at Brookhaven National Laboratory (1999-2001) and four years at Seagate Research Center in Pittsburgh (2001-2005). Dr. Brankovic’s research interests span in different areas of material and surface science, including thin films, corrosion, electrocatalysis, electrodeposition, magnetic materials, nanofabrication, and sensors. He has authored 50+ publications, several book chapters, patents, and trade secrets. Dr. Brankovic is the editor of dozen conference proceeding volumes and special journal issues. He currently serves as the chair of the Materials Science Division of the International Society of Electrochemistry and as the vice-chair of the Electrodeposition Division of The Electrochemical Society. He is the recipient of several awards, including the University of Houston Research and Excellence Award (2010) and the NSF-The Faculty Early Career Development Award (2010). More information about Dr. Brankovic’s group and research interests are available at: www2.egr.uh.edu/~ecnfg.