Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award

Nomination period: October 15, odd years – January 15, even years
Presented: ECS fall meeting, even years

The Luminescence and Display Materials Division Outstanding Achievement Award was established in 2002 to encourage excellence in luminescence and display materials research and outstanding technical contributions to the field.

For the purposes of this award, luminescence and display materials science is defined as “that area of knowledge that encompasses the physics, chemistry, and materials technology of luminescence and display materials and devices.”

Eligibility criteria
  • Has made significant technical contributions to the field of luminescence and display materials science;
  • Current and active member of The Electrochemical Society and the ECS LDM Division;
  • “Currently active” is measured by:
    • Authoring or co-authoring more than one (1) paper published in an ECS journal;
    • Presenting more than one (1) full paper at an ECS meeting within the previous five (5) years.
Nomination Requirements

A complete nomination packet includes:

  • Completed Electronic Application;
  • Nomination letter;
  • Curriculum vitae (maximum 3 pages, single spacing)
  • Maximum of three 3 letters of support (1 page, single spacing)
  • List of selected publications, (maximum 20, single spacing)

Unsuccessful nominations will be considered for an additional award cycle. Renomination is permissible.

The LDM Division Research Award Committee members may not submit a nomination or letters of recommendation during their term of service on the committee.


The award consists of:

  • Scroll;
  • USD $1,000;
  • Discretionary funds for travel to the meeting where the award is presented.
Recipient obligations

The award recipient presents a lecture to the ECS LDM Division at the Society’s fall meeting when the award is given.


For more information or questions, contact

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Kailash Mishra (2022)
Kazuyoshi Ogasawara (2020)
Pieter Dorenbos (2018)
Baldassare Di Bartolo (2016)
Not awarded (2014)
Hajime Yamamoto (2012)
David J. Lockwood (2010)
H. Guedel (2006)
A. Meijerink (2004)
A. Srivastava (2004)