Your vote counts!
As a member-led, member-driven Society, there is no better way to share in the stewardship of this amazing organization than by exercising your right to vote in the upcoming ECS election.
We have an outstanding slate of dedicated volunteers, each of whom has a long and distinguished history of service to the Society and the field.
Follow the links below to view candidate biographies and cast your vote for the 2020 ECS officer nominees.
Electronic Voting Instructions
Click here to view candidate biographies and personal statements. Or, proceed directly to the electronic proxy ballot and follow these easy steps to cast your vote:
1. Enter your ECS member number and password.
- Log into your ECS My Account to find your ECS member number. (Highlighted in yellow below).
2. If you have trouble logging into the system, contact customer service.
3. After you log on, your electronic proxy ballot appears. Enter your vote for each office. Space is provided if you choose to write in a candidate.
4. You can only vote once.
5. Voting should only take a few minutes of your time.
— The voting deadline is midnight EST March 15, 2020 —

We have an outstanding slate of officers. Please exercise your membership privileges by voting today! Your input on the leadership of ECS counts.