244th Z01 General Student Poster Session Award Winners (from left to right): Gianmarco Gabrieli, Amina Lahrichi, and Ho Lun Chan. Photo courtesy of Marie Ullnert, Happy Visuals
Congratulations to Gianmarco Gabrieli, Amina Lahrichi, and Ho Lun Chan, winners of the 244th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session Awards. Over 169 posters were submitted! Please take a moment to celebrate all the Z01 participants’ excellent work!
Z01 General Student Poster Session awards
Join us in congratulating this meeting’s winners:
1st Prize – $1,500
Gianmarco Gabrieli, IBM Research Europe
Z01—3188 “Accelerated Estimation of Chemical and Sensory Liquid Attributes Using an AI-Assisted Electrochemical Electronic Tongue“
2nd Prize – $1,000
Amina Lahrichi, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Z01—3178 “Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction Performance through Alkaline-Earth Metal Doped Fe-Rich Nano Dry-Petals: A Cost-Effective and Eco-Friendly Electrocatalyst Approach“
3rd Prize – $500
Ho Lun Chan, University of Virginia
Z01—3115 “Corrosion Electrochemistry in Molten Flinak Salts“
General Student Poster Session Judges
The Society thanks the ECS members who served as reviewers for the 244th ECS Meeting Z01 General Student Poster Session.
In-person judges:
- Samantha Gateman, Western University
- Damilola A. Daramola, Northwestern University
- Jefferey Halpern, University of New Hampshire
Virtual judges:
- Marco Bettinelli, Università degli Studi di Verona
- Venkata Bhuvaneswari, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology
- Steffen Emge, Umicore
- John Flake, Louisiana State University
- Joshua Gallaway, Northeastern University
- Paul Gannon, Montana State University
- David Hall, Universitetet i Stavanger
- David Hickey, Michigan State University
- Massimo Innocenti, Università degli Studi di Firenze
- Mohammad Khan, Silicon Austria Labs GmbH
- Cortney Kreller, Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Leah Rynearson, University of Rhode Island
- Neelakandan Santhosh, Jožef Stefan Institute
- Eiji Tada, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Natasa Vasiljevic, University of Bristol
- Sandamal Witharamage, North Carolina State University
- Hui Xu, Envision Energy USA
ECS thanks Dr. Alice Suroviec for serving as the Z01 General Student Poster Awards symposium organizer.
General Student Poster Sessions
Z01 General Student Poster Sessions provide graduate and undergraduate students with a forum to present research results of general interest to the Society. The purpose is to foster and support work in electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and stimulate active student interest and participation in ECS.
Be sure to visit the poster session at the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, from May 26-30, 2024.
Visit electrochem.org/meetings to learn more about ECS biannual meetings!