Interface Student News Submission Guidelines

InterfaceThe following are the updated guidelines for submitting student chapter updates for publication in Interface.

ECS encourages submissions of news from student chapters. Therefore, we try to keep the rules to a minimum. However, some guidance will help in preparing the material.

Point of View: Compose your submission in third person.

Timeliness: Interface is published every three months – spring, summer, fall, and winter. It is best that your chapter update includes information about events, initiatives, accomplishments, etc., from within the last three to six months.

Details: Be specific. If you describe an activity, state where, when, and who. Give the names of the speakers and other actors in the story. Double check the spelling of the names, both persons and places. Consider, whether someone may prefer to be referred to (in a publication) by Ms., Dr., or Prof., instead of a first name.

Formatting: Do not format your documents, except for paragraphs and italics, etc., if you need them. The text will be reformatted anyway. If you are submitting your newsletter, it is better to remove the layout.

Pictures: Pictures help to showcase your members and events – helping you to tell your story.

  • Each picture must be included as a separate attachment.
  • Photos must have a resolution of at least 300dpi; this means that the picture file will likely be larger than 1 MB.
  • Captions must be included for each picture within the document. Captions should include a brief one sentence description and listing of the individuals or group name in the photo.
  • With a picture showing several recognizable people, provide names (usually, left to right). Your photo caption should include a list of their names if the group is less than six to eight people; if the group is larger, then it is likely the resolution is not high enough to recognize each person and it is better to provide the name of the group in the photo.
  • Photos that have individuals under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a release form signed by a legal guardian. Contact for this form.

Length: Submissions should contain enough content to be concise and relevant; and, the length of your submissions throughout the year may vary dependent on the number of activities you have scheduled. A decent starting point is a submission of two to three paragraphs.

Submit your student chapter news Interface articles to:

ECS is looking forward to your contributions.


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