Deadline for Submitting Abstracts
April 15, 2016
Submit today!

Adam Heller giving his talk during the Europe Section Heinz Gerischer Award session at the 228th ECS Meeting.
Topic Close-up #4
SYMPOSIUM C04: Pits & Pores 7: Nanomaterials – Fabrication Processes, Properties, and Applications
FOCUSED ON The symposium is focused on recent developments in nanostructured semiconductors, metals and nanocomposite systems. A more detailed understanding of etching and growth mechanisms, and the physical and chemical properties of all types of porous structures is emphasized. It integrates diverse research in different fields such as localized metal corrosion, semiconductor electrochemistry, deposition into pores, matrix materials and optical spectroscopy in order to develop a highly transdisciplinary approach to the topic. Emphasis will be on pit and pore formation, porous-structure/surface-property relations, work relevant to the formation of advanced materials and their characterization, and applications of these materials in different areas of science. The symposium brings together scientists from various research fields such as materials science, electrochemistry, physics, chemistry, engineering and biology.
(MORE: See a full list of topic close-ups.)
NOTING THAT an issue of ECS Transactions is planned to be published “before” the meeting.
Manuscript submission deadline: July 01, 2016
INVITED SPEAKERS: Takashi Yanagishita, Metropolitan University Tokyo, Japan; Shinji Yae, University of Hyogo, Kobe, Japan; Hiroki Habazaki, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan; Kurt Hebert, Iowa State University, USA; Robert Kelly, University of Virginia, USA; Julien Bachmann, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen, Germany; Kurt Kolasinski, West Chester University, USA; Bernard Gelloz, Nagoya University, Japan; Ester Segal, Technion – Isreal Institute of Technology, Haifa, Isreal; Kazuhiro Fukami, Kyoto University, Japan. Learn about all the topics!
Topic Close-up #5
SYMPOSIUM E01: Electroless Deposition Principles and Applications 4:
In Honor of Milan Paunovic and Mordechay Schlesinger
FOCUSED ON The aim of this symposium is to bring together scientists, researchers and engineers in order to review and discuss the latest developments and to suggest the future directions in the field of electroless deposition.
PAPERS OF INTEREST include galvanic or displacement deposition, autocatalytic deposition, mechanistic aspects and kinetics of electroless deposition, surface activation for electroless deposition, metallization of non-conductive surfaces via electroless deposition, applications for electronics, energy device, aerospace, automotive, biomedical etc. industries, deposition of semiconductors from chemical baths, electroless deposition and nanotechnology.
MATERIALS OF INTEREST include thin or thick films and powders of metals, alloys or compounds (e.g. oxides, salts, polymers). Learn about all the topics!
Topic Close-up #6
SYMPOSIUM H07: Emerging Nanomaterials and Devices
THE SCOPE of this symposium will cover all aspects of nanomaterials related to device physics, device design and functionality, including processing, device fabrication, materials integration and reliability. As CMOS scaling is reaching its limit, emerging nanomaterials and novel devices are being intensively studied for extending or replacing the conventional silicon-based electronics.
FEATURING oral and poster presentations on the research of emerging nanomaterials for novel devices, integrated electronics, photonic and electrochemical/mechanical applications as well.
INVITED SPEAKERS: Hiroshi Mizuta, JAIST Japan; Mikael Östling, KTH, Sweden, Yutaka Ohno, Nagoya University, Japan; Heinz von Seggern, TU Darmstadt, Germany; Charles Cheung, NIST, USA; Walter Weber, TU Dresden, Germany. Learn about all the topics!
Topic Close-up #7
SYMPOSIUM G02: Semiconductors, Dielectrics, and Metals for Nanoelectronics 14
FOCUSED ON high mobility and special semiconductor materials (e.g. SiGe, III-V, SiC, GaN), emerging 2-dimemsional semiconductors (e.g. MoS2, WSe2, black phosphorous, silicene, germanene, graphene), high-k gate dielectrics, metal gates, and Ohmic contacts for the new non-silicon channel materials, memory (e.g. resistive RAM, ferroelectric RAM, magnetic RAM, phase-change RAM), nanoelectronics and nanotechnology (e.g. FinFET, multigate MOSFETs, nanotubes, nanowires). The scope of the symposium includes surface/interface modeling, band offsets, surface passivation, growth and processing, physical/chemical/electrical characterization, transistor characteristics, traps and reliability.
INVITED SPEAKERS: Allessandro Molle, MDM; Andrew C. Kummel, UCSD; Chadwin Young, UT/Dallas; Cheol Seong Hwang, Seoul National/U; Daniele Ielmini, Polimi; Eddy Simoen, IMEC; Heiji Watanabe, Osaka/U; Hiroyuki Kageshima, Shimane/U; Ilia Valov, RWTH – Aachen/U; Katsuhiro Tomioka, Hokkaido/U; Kentaro Kinoshita, Tottori/U; Kosuke Nagashio, Tokyo/U; Noboyuki Sano, U/Tsukuba; Siddheswar Maikap, Chang Gung/U; Takamasa Kawanagoa, Tokyo/IT; Teruo Kanki, Osaka/U; Tomoya Ono, Tsukuba/U. Learn about all the topics!
Did You Know?
Students can be eligible for the General Student Poster Session awards by submitting an abstract to Z01 – General Society Student Poster Session.
Important Dates
- Take advantage of exhibition and sponsorship opportunities:
Deadline: June 15, 2016
Full papers presented at ECS meetings will be published in ECS Transactions.