Plenary Session

Featuring the ECS Lecture and Awards and Recognition Ceremony

Monday, May 27 | 1630h PDT
Golden Gate Ballroom A/B

Gather with your colleagues!

The plenary session is one of the highlights of every ECS meeting, allowing participants from all symposia to come together and celebrate some of the greatest minds in the field.

ECS President Gerardine Botte wraps up the first full day of the 245th ECS Meeting, welcoming meeting attendees and beginning the session with the Awards and Recognition Ceremony. The following are presented at the ceremony:

Be sure to also attend the Society, division, and section award winners’ talks, presented in various symposia throughout the week. Check the online program for specific dates and times, then add them to your personal meeting schedule.

Following the ceremony, President Botte introduces the highly anticipated lecturer, Yury Gogotsi from Drexel University. Prof. Gogotsi presents the ECS Lecture, “What MXenes Can Do for Efficient Generation, Storage, and Conversion of Electrical Energy.”

What MXenes Can Do for Efficient Generation, Storage, and Conversion of Electrical Energy
by Yury Gogotsi, A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University

Yury Gogotsi

Yury Gogotsi

Yury Gogotsi is Distinguished University Professor and Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Endowed Chair in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Drexel University. He is the Founding Director of the A. J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute. Together with his students and colleagues, he made principal contributions to the development of materials for electrochemical capacitors and other energy storage devices; discovered a large family of two-dimensional carbides and nitrides known as MXenes; demonstrated the tuning of structure and porosity of carbide-derived carbons with Angstrom-level accuracy; and developed new processes for the synthesis, surface modification, and purification of nanotubes and nanodiamonds. Prof. Gogotsi published the first microscopic observation of water inside carbon nanotubes, discovered polygonal nanotubes (graphite polyhedral crystals), and shaped the field of high-pressure surface science.

After completing his BS and MS in Metallurgy in 1984 and PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1986 at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, he received a DSc in Materials Engineering in 1995 from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. With an h-index of over 200, Prof. Gogotsi is recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher in Materials Science and Chemistry and a Citations Laureate in Physics by Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science). The 2023 Stanford List placed Gogotsi within the top 30 in the world among all scientists in all disciplines in 2022. He has received numerous awards for his research, including the 2023 Czochralski E-MRS (European Materials Research Society) Award, 2021 MRS (Materials Research Society) Medal, 2021 ACS (American Chemical Society) Award in the Chemistry of Materials, and 2020 International Ceramics Prize from the World Academy of Ceramics. He is a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society (2008) and elected Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, World Academy of Ceramics, European Academy of Sciences, and many other professional societies. He holds honorary doctorates from several European universities.

His lecture describes the synthesis, structure, and chemistry of 2D carbides and nitrides known as MXenes, as well as their electrochemical applications, with a focus on the generation, storage, and conversion of electrical energy. Read his full abstract here.