ECS + IOP Publishing: 200+ Years of Excellence in Science Publishing

When ECS and IOP Publishing complete their partnership on January 2, 2020, with the launch of the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience, two great institutions will bring over 200 years of experience in excellent scientific publishing to advancing theory and practice at the forefront of electrochemical and solid state science and technology, and allied subjects.


IOP Publishing—the publishing company of the Institute of Physics—partners with ECS in publishing the Journal of the Electrochemical Society (JES) and the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, and hosting ECS TransactionsECS Meeting Abstracts, and Interface, as well as hosting ECS’s retired publications archives—ECS Electrochemistry LettersECS Solid State Letters, Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, and ECS Proceedings Volumes.


The transition to partnership began in early December 2019, when all ECS authors’ and reviewers’ information was uploaded to ScholarOne, a comprehensive workflow-management system for scholarly journals. As of December 4, all authors submitting to JES and JSS are must use this system which simplifies the submission and peer review processes for authors, editors, and reviewers.

Through the partnership and the January 2 launch of the new ECS Digital Library, ECS members’ content-access experience improves significantly. When members join or renew their memberships, they enjoy ready access to over 160,000 articles and abstracts published by ECS simply by logging in to their ECS My Account from and visiting the ECS Digital Library on IOPscience from ECS’s website.


Please contact the ECS publications staff at for more information.


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