Image courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Program.
All aspects of PEMFC and PEMWE durability are considered: (more…)
Image courtesy of U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Program.
All aspects of PEMFC and PEMWE durability are considered: (more…)
If you are attending the 243rd ECS Meeting in Boston, join us for our second Peer Review Excellence Workshop on Tuesday, May 30, 2023, from 0830-1100h ET. This is an optional free session for registered meeting attendees. Space is very limited, so register early to confirm your seat!
Register nowJoin this ECS webinar designed with busy early career researchers in mind. Take your first step to achieving a Peer Review Excellence Certificate. Paul Cooper, ECS Editorial Manager, and Laura Feetham, IOP Reviewer Engagement Manager, discuss peer-review fundamentals and ethics, and provide practical experience in reviewing a manuscript.
Paul Cooper, ECS Editorial Manager
Laura Feetham, IOP Reviewer Engagement Manager
Date: March 7, 2023
Time: 1000-1300h ET
Cost: Free to register!
Registration is required to view the webinar. ECS membership is not required to participate.
June, July, and August will be here before you know it! These are great months to advance your research—and you may be eligible for financial support. Graduate students should apply now for an ECS Summer Fellowship, post-graduates for the Colin Garfield Fink Fellowship. These grants provide funding in June through September for graduate students and postdocs pursuing work in a field of interest to The Electrochemical Society. (more…)
The ECS San Francisco Section hosted its Inaugural Young Investigator Lecture Series on November 19, 2021. Over the course of the three-hour virtual session, attendees were treated to 10 short presentations by senior graduate students and postdocs from California universities. The talks covered a wide range of electrochemistry research, from lithium-ion batteries to CO2 reduction, fundamental examinations of ion transport, and charge transfer kinetics.
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced $209 million in funding for 26 new laboratory projects focusing on electric vehicles, advanced batteries, and connected vehicles. DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory introduced Li-Bridge, a new public-private partnership to bridge gaps in the domestic lithium battery supply chain. Advanced lithium-based batteries play an integral role in 21st century technologies such as electric vehicles, stationary grid storage, and defense applications that are critical to securing a clean energy future. The projects support goals to make the United States a global leader in electric vehicle and battery innovation; advance the development of these technologies to save families money; lower carbon pollution; and create high-quality jobs. (more…)
Three US Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Programs are currently accepting applications for the summer 2022 term:
These programs give students the opportunity to conduct research and technical projects at national laboratories. Applications are due by January 12, 2022, at 1700h ET. (more…)
The ECS San Francisco Section presents the inaugural Young Investigator Lectures Series. The COVID-19 pandemic has impaired travel and in-person conferences, negatively impacting early career researchers in the scientific field. The section’s series creates opportunities for senior graduate students and postdocs to highlight their research in virtual short lectures.
The inaugural series showcases 10 speakers from California universities. The ECS San Francisco Section organized the lecture series. Speakers are selected by the Young Investigator Lecture Nomination and Selection Committee.
ECS San Francisco Section Young Investigator Lecture Series
DATE: Friday, November 19, 2021
TIME: 0900-1200h PST
PRICE: The webinar is free and open to the public; ECS membership is not required.
JOIN THE LECTURE: Join Zoom Meeting (more…)
In the Annual Open Call Funding Announcement (FOA), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $400 million in funding for a range of research opportunities to support DOE’s clean energy, economic, and national security goals. The DOE Office of Science’s funding priorities include:
The ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology is publishing a special collection of papers being presented at the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechanical Characterization (ICAMMC-2021). The meeting takes place December 2-4, 2021 in virtual format.
ICAMMC 2021 covers a wide range of emerging inter- and multi-disciplinary topics in developing advanced materials and their characterization at multiple length scales, manufacturing, and growth of innovative materials. It is an international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, computation, synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of advanced materials in structural, microstructural, small-scale mechanical aspects (not limited to), structure-property correlations, and technological applications. It is a common platform to present and discuss path-breaking research ideas and is expected to be an interface between academia and industry for societal needs. This focus issue centers on the advancements in design/fabrication, characterization and properties of next-generation materials for energy, electronic and dielectric applications. (more…)