Nominations sought for 2022 speakers

The ECS San Francisco Section hosted its Inaugural Young Investigator Lecture Series on November 19, 2021. Over the course of the three-hour virtual session, attendees were treated to 10 short presentations by senior graduate students and postdocs from California universities. The talks covered a wide range of electrochemistry research, from lithium-ion batteries to CO2 reduction, fundamental examinations of ion transport, and charge transfer kinetics.


Ten speakers on November 19, 2021

The ECS San Francisco Section presents the inaugural Young Investigator Lectures Series. The COVID-19 pandemic has impaired travel and in-person conferences, negatively impacting early career researchers in the scientific field. The section’s series creates opportunities for senior graduate students and postdocs to highlight their research in virtual short lectures.

The inaugural series showcases 10 speakers from California universities. The ECS San Francisco Section organized the lecture series. Speakers are selected by the Young Investigator Lecture Nomination and Selection Committee.

ECS San Francisco Section Young Investigator Lecture Series

DATE: Friday, November 19, 2021

TIME: 0900-1200h PST 

PRICE: The webinar is free and open to the public; ECS membership is not required.

JOIN THE LECTURE: Join Zoom Meeting (more…)

StorageX International Symposium

An Online Series on Energy Storage

Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Join Stanford StorageX for an interactive symposium series on the latest advances and breakthrough research in energy storage. (more…)

StorageX International Symposium

A New Online Series on Energy Storage
Sponsored by Stanford’s StorageX Initiative

Join Stanford StorageX for an interactive symposium series on the latest advances and breakthrough research in energy storage. (more…)