2024 ECS Society Officers Election

We are pleased to announce the candidates for ECS Society Officers positions in the upcoming election.

The early months of each year are an exciting time at ECS, when the officers’ election takes place from January through March. Elected officers constitute the organization’s executive committee and include the following positions: president, three vice presidents, secretary, and treasurer.

This year, we vote for the new President, 3rd Vice President, and Secretary. Voting begins January 15. We encourage all ECS members to exercise their right to vote. Read the candidates’ bios and candidacy statements below, followed by voting instructions.

Vote now! Voting closes at 2400h, March 15, 2024 


Posted in Announcements

Register for Dr. Yiyang Li’s January 25 seminar

Join the ECS Detroit Section for Dr. Yiyang Li’s presentation, “Understanding Li-ion Batteries By (Dis) Charging One Particle at a Time,” on January 25, 2024.

Register Now



The ECS Georgia Section recognized the 2023 ECS Georgia Section Outstanding Student Achievement Award winners, Habin Park of Georgia Institute of Technology, and Fengyi Zhao of Emory University, at their fall section meeting on October 26, 2023, at the Georgia Institute of Technology. At the meeting, Habin Park delivered his award lecture, “Sustainable Green Hydrogen Production via Innovative Engineering in Anion-Exchange Membrane Alkaline Water Electrolysis.” Fengyi Zhao’s talk was titled “Direct operando observation of surface charge build-up on TiO2 photoanode under water oxidation conditions by Electric Field induced Second Harmonic Generation.” Congratulations, Habin and Fengyi! (more…)

BatteryYou are invited to participate in “Solid State Batteries,” a free webinar cohosted by the Materials Research Society (MRS) and The Electrochemical Society. The webinar is presented in conjunction with the December 2023 issue of MRS Bulletin.

Date: January 17, 2024

Time: 1200–1330h ET (more…)

New Year, New Opportunities

Think getting that job is out of reach? Think again.

Navigating through an intensely competitive job market is intimidating; you need to set yourself apart from thousands of other job seekers. The Electrochemical Society Career Center is an online career destination that offers a suite of essential career resources to help you stand out from the competition.

Research the industry, get networking tips, and brush up on your interview skills. Set up Job Alerts to be the first to know when a job matching your criteria is posted. Not sure if your resume or CV makes the cut? Request a review from the experts, to help list your strengths and weaknesses.

Get started today!


We are pleased to announce the winners of 244th ECS Meeting symposia-funded best-presentation awards!

Thanks to our individual symposium sponsors’ generous funding, best poster and presentation awards are presented at every meeting. Please take a moment to celebrate the excellent work of the following authors! (more…)

Yaoli Zhao

Yaoli Zhao

The 2023 winner of the ECS Sensor Division Student Research Award is Yaoli Zhao of the University of Buffalo for her contributions to developing a new method for standoff and point detection of chemicals by combining photothermal and photoacoustic effects with microfabricated cantilever beams to simultaneously achieve very high molecular selectivity and very high sensitivity.  She will be recognized at the 245th ECS Meeting in San Francisco, CA, and deliver her award talk there.

Yaoli Zhao is a PhD student working in Thomas Thundat’s University at Buffalo lab, specializing in the field of chemical detection. Her current research focuses on developing innovative standoff detection sensors, specifically for plastic classification. Zhao successfully developed techniques and demonstrated methods for molecular identification of plastics, which resulted in the publication of multiple research papers in refereed journals including one as a corresponding author in the Journal of The Electrochemical Society. (more…)

James Noël, past ECS Corrosion Division Chair, presents award to Sanjay Choudhary.

Join us in congratulating Sanjay Choudhary of the University of Virginia, recipient of the 2023 ECS Corrosion Division Morris Cohen Graduate Student Award! Sanjay presented his award talk at the 244th ECS Meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Sanjay Choudhary
University of Virginia
C01—1082 Evolution of Passivity and Passivity-Breakdown for Cr and Cr-Containing Alloys

Sanjay Choudhary is a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Prof. Robert G. Kelly at the University of Virginia where he studies localized corrosion characteristics of Al-alloys used in aerospace and stainless-steel dry storage containers, by means of in situ transmission electron microscopy and finite element modeling. (more…)

Follow the ECS division, section, and student chapter news deadlines and submission guidelines to be considered for publication in ECS Interface 2024 issues.


Posted in Publications

Submission deadline: April 12, 2024

We are excited to announce that abstracts are now being accepted for PRiME 2024, taking place in breathtaking Honolulu, HI, US, from October 6-11, 2024. This prestigious event is the joint international meeting of:

  • 2024 Fall Meeting of The Electrochemical Society of Japan (ECSJ)
  • 2024 Fall Meeting of The Korean Electrochemical Society (KECS)
  • 246th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society (ECS) 
Technical co-sponsors
